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It’s the spring of 2007, and the band formerly known as
“Unbalanced Grass” has been hibernating.
Not exactly dead – well, not yet. Since the release of Bigger
Than Judas, certain
things just got in Unbalanced Grass’ way – most largely and obviously, that
beast known as university, but also other creative projects as well as just
plain old laziness. Couple that with the fact that the in-potentia members of UG were uncertain, as well as
spread out over a large area, and you get everything that could possibly hamper
a band (well, except the debt; at least there wasn’t any debt… well, not much,
anyway). Laura had left the band (mostly because she was in
But it was a far cry from an active band. Pooka had released an album called Sappharis
Remastered in February 2006 (that’s three UG
releases in 3 years), but this was – as the title suggests – a rehashed version
of the tracks on Sappharis Moonstone,
and only contained two new tracks (and even they weren’t new). What they wanted
was a load of new stuff…
And so, for a while, UG went their separate ways. Pooka became Pookie K. Malefact became Adam Three Trillion. Music sprouted and
grew; none of it was branded “Unbalanced Grass”. None of it even sounded like
Unbalanced Grass. And even though there was a backing vocal session in a
caravan somewhere near
But good ideas never die, and neither did this one.
Spring of 2007, and Pooka,
who has just finished an album named Fall Down, Spring Back, has
realised that he’s still got a rock band. Apart from himself and Morti, he isn’t even sure who’s in it any
more, but one thing is certain – there are songs. And so, with the
skills he’s attempted to gain behind him, he sets to work on digitally mixing
together a new album, using all the bits from the past he can find. It isn’t
easy, and on all but one track he finds himself re-recording new lead vocal,
which the instruments and background vocals have to support.
Due to complications, he can’t make a full album – but
some tracks are certain, including the first full-band version of LSD
(something he’s wanted to achieve since he was 15), and Morti’s
jazzy cover of an unfinished James track named Hedex, and through sheer bloody-minded
determination to continue (as well as a healthy dollop of stupidity), the album
formerly known as We Must Rebuild became We Must Rebuild: an EP by
Unbalanced Grass. Four tracks, and maybe a secret one (if you’re very, very
good), stuffed haphazardly onto a CD and shoved into a case.
It doesn’t sound very impressive, and it isn’t. But it
just goes to show… something.
Copyright © Pookie K, 2011